
What's Next

fin  |  July 22, 2024  |  Urgent

Hey there, for the last time, fin here. On July 18, I announced that I'd be leaving this project on July 23, which is today. And today, the website has shut down. Let's go through some questions.

Q: Is your departure that much of a big deal?
A: Yes, it is. I developed various systems for Reviive that finally made you use a part of it. Accounts, points, Points cards, the website were all developed by me, and you're gonna lose a bunch of features like those now.
Q: Are there good news?
A: There's some good news and some bad news. The good news is I gave Thom the website source code (except the admin panel). The bad news is the website was written in PHP, and Thom only knows Python.
Q: Why did you leave?
A: I lost motivation, there was a risk of legal trouble, and I was updating Reviive almost every single day, so I couldn't focus on my personal stuff.
Q: What is going to happen to
A: It will turn into a portfolio website, like it always was.

And that's the end of the last blog post from me, on this website, on the database this post is stored on. I want to thank ChrisPlayzYT for working on the shop frontend, Thom for the shop backend, lucia for telling me about Reviive, and most importantly.. you for supporting this project.
